Phlog #3: Portland Skyline 2016

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Phlog #6: Tacoma Museum of Glass

This is one of those photos I still like, even though it’s clear I wasn’t making deliberate choices when I took it. It’s funny how, as you grow as an artist, your older work evokes different feelings.

I shot it

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Phlog #4: Mount Hood October 2017

This remains one of my favorite shots of Mount Hood. The motion of the clouds, the angle of the sun, and the snow level all came together perfectly. I wish I could be lucky enough to see similar conditions again,

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Venice Beach Skaters at Sunset

I took this photo while traveling through Los Angeles. Wandering aimlessly, I found myself near the Venice Beach skate park and decided to join the crowd watching the skaters. As I observed, patterns began to emerge, and when the sun

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