Phlog #4: Mount Hood October 2017

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Phlog #6: Tacoma Museum of Glass

This is one of those photos I still like, even though it’s clear I wasn’t making deliberate choices when I took it. It’s funny how, as you grow as an artist, your older work evokes different feelings.

I shot it

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Phlog #3: Portland Skyline 2016

This photo captures the Portland skyline when I first moved there. Back then, I wasn’t as research-oriented in my photography, but I’m glad I discovered this spot. Portland’s skyline has always been challenging to photograph. The buildings are relatively small,

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Venice Beach Skaters at Sunset

I took this photo while traveling through Los Angeles. Wandering aimlessly, I found myself near the Venice Beach skate park and decided to join the crowd watching the skaters. As I observed, patterns began to emerge, and when the sun

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